Exiled unjustly, convicted without trial, slandered without cause. Man of God depicts the trials a
十部必看的希腊电影经典之一。如果想了解希腊文化尤其是音乐此片必看。1984年柏林电影节最佳导演银熊奖。 Considered to be one of the most powerful and
演员:昂格利基·帕普利亚 Youla Boudali 赫里斯托斯·帕萨利斯 Argyris Xafis Thanasis Dovris Laertis Malkotsis Maria Filini Michalis Kimonas Christian Culbida Thanos Tokakis 莱尔提斯·瓦斯里欧 Katerina Helmy Alkistis Poulopoulou Romanos Kalokyris Areti Seidaridou 欧格斯·岑姆佩罗普洛斯
The newest film from Greek director Syllas Tzoumerkas and his second collaboration with Angeliki P
Exiled unjustly, convicted without trial, slandered without cause. Man of God depicts the trials a